Aerodrome Bore, Western Australia, Australia

Aerodrome Bore is a well which is located in Western Australia nearby to Mabel Well, Yandal and Katherine Well. It is also nearby Sisters Well and Lilly Well. The latitude of Aerodrome Bore is -27.59729, and the longitude is 121.1389 with the gps coordinates of 27° 35′ 50.24″ S and 121° 08′ 20.04″ E.

Geographic Information of Aerodrome Bore

Place Name Aerodrome Bore
Place Type Well
Country Australia
Country Code AU
Continent Australia/Oceania
Administrative Division
Western Australia
Population 55040
Major Language Australian English (en-AU)
Latitude -27.59729
Longitude 121.1389
DMS Lat 27° 35′ 50.24″ S
DMS Long 121° 08′ 20.04″ E
Elevation (m) 467 metre
Elevation (f) 1532 ft
UTM Easting 316317
UTM Northing 6946024
UTM Zone 51J

Category-wise Nearest Place from Aerodrome Bore and distance

Homestead Yandal 3.87 km
Well Aerodrome Bore 0 km
Stream Mckenzie Creek 25.4 km
Populated Place Leinster 56.42 km
Hill Mount Phillipson 26.75 km
Mountain Mount Mcclure 15.93 km
Park Don Leahy Memorial Park 168.66 km
School/College Leinster Primary School 55.99 km
Dam Wandarrie Dam 108.94 km
Reserve Wanjarri Nature Reserve 52.08 km
Hotel Ibis Styles Kalgoorlie (Previously All Seasons Plaza Hotel) 351.67 km
Section of Populated Place Mullingar 348.4 km
Island Auriferous Island 223.93 km
Railroad Station Gwalia Station 147.74 km
Farm Kathleen Valley 55.25 km
Lake Yandal Lagoon 9.63 km
Bay Dunster Castle Bay 696.98 km
Mines Lake Darlot Mine 34.76 km
Beach Quagi Beach 692.91 km
Bridge Harry Seaton Bridge 316.59 km
Waterhole Mica Mica Waterhole 28.09 km
Populated Locality North Bodallin 446.51 km
Reefs Sunday Patch 707.65 km
Post Office Australian Post Coolgardie LPO 373.32 km
Airport/Airbase Bronzewing Airport 27.76 km

Nearest Places from Aerodrome Bore and distance

Mabel Well 2.68 km
Yandal 3.87 km
Katherine Well 4.71 km
Sisters Well 6.09 km
Lilly Well 6.78 km

Other Nearest Wells from Aerodrome Bore and distance

Mabel Well 2.68 km
Katherine Well 4.71 km
Sisters Well 6.09 km
Lilly Well 6.78 km
Yandal Well 9.48 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Australia

Web tld .au
Currency Australian Dollar
Phone Code 61

Maps of Aerodrome Bore

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