Victoria Park Primary School, Western Australia, Australia

Victoria Park Primary School is a school which is located in Western Australia nearby to Regent College, Riverside Community School and Ursula Frayne Catholic College. It is also nearby Raphael Park and Charles Paterson Park. The latitude of Victoria Park Primary School is -31.97139, and the longitude is 115.8922 with the gps coordinates of 31° 58′ 17.00″ S and 115° 53′ 31.92″ E.

Geographic Information of Victoria Park Primary School

Place Name Victoria Park Primary School
Place Type School
Country Australia
Country Code AU
Continent Australia/Oceania
Administrative Division
Western Australia
Population 58510
Major Language Australian English (en-AU)
Latitude -31.97139
Longitude 115.8922
DMS Lat 31° 58′ 17.00″ S
DMS Long 115° 53′ 31.92″ E
Elevation (m) 12 metre
Elevation (f) 39 ft
UTM Easting 395327
UTM Northing 6462199
UTM Zone 50J

Category-wise Nearest Place from Victoria Park Primary School and distance

Homestead Yarraville 22.95 km
Well Ironstone Hole 14.11 km
Stream Canning River 6.42 km
Populated Place Burswood 1.79 km
Hill Mount Henry 7.41 km
Mountain Mount Eliza 4.93 km
Park Raphael Park 0.59 km
School/College Victoria Park Primary School 0 km
Dam Kent Street Weir 6.11 km
Reserve Bill Mcgrath Reserve 1.3 km
Hotel Intercontinental Perth Burswood 1.18 km
Section of Populated Place Victoria Park 1.34 km
Island Heirisson Island 1.16 km
Railroad Station Victoria Park 0.94 km
Farm Glen Eagle 44.21 km
Lake Lake Vasto 1.76 km
Bay Aquinas Bay 6.75 km
Mines Bennet And Burgess Find 85.83 km
Beach Como Beach 4.31 km
Bridge The Causeway 1.04 km
Waterhole Billacabella Waterhole 131.95 km
Populated Locality Welshpool 3.82 km
Reefs Minden Reefs 19.25 km
Post Office Australian Post Coolgardie LPO 512.8 km
Airport/Airbase Perth Airport 7.85 km

Nearest Places from Victoria Park Primary School and distance

Regent College 0.26 km
Riverside Community School 0.34 km
Ursula Frayne Catholic College 0.54 km
Raphael Park 0.59 km
Charles Paterson Park 0.7 km

Other Nearest Schools from Victoria Park Primary School and distance

Riverside Community School 0.34 km
Perth Montessori School 0.85 km
Perron Early Learning Centre 0.79 km
Kent Street Senior High School 1.51 km
Kensington Primary School 1.42 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Australia

Web tld .au
Currency Australian Dollar
Phone Code 61

Maps of Victoria Park Primary School

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