Meadow Beach, Grenada

Meadow Beach (beach) is located in Grenada nearby to Artiste Point, Conference Bay, and La Poterie. It is also nearby Pearls Rock and Conference. The latitude of Meadow Beach is 12.16301, and the longitude is -61.60595 with the GPS coordinates of 12° 09′ 46.83″ N and 61° 36′ 21.42″ W.

Geographic Information of Meadow Beach

Place Name Meadow Beach
Place Type Beach
Country Grenada
Country Code GD
Continent North America
Major Language English (en-GD)
Latitude 12.16301
Longitude -61.60595
DMS Lat 12° 09′ 46.83″ N
DMS Long 61° 36′ 21.42″ W
Elevation (metre) 7 m
Elevation (feet) 23 ft
UTM Easting 651676
UTM Northing 1344967
UTM Zone 20P
Time Zone America/Grenada

Category-wise Nearest Place from Meadow Beach and distance

Populated Place La Poterie 1.07 km
Bay Conference Bay 0.86 km
Estate River Antoine Estate 1.57 km
Point Artiste Point 0.75 km
Stream River Loria 1.42 km
Hotel Southwinds Holiday Cottages 2.43 km
Island Pearls Rock 1.33 km
Mountain Mount Rich 2.54 km
Beach Bathway Beach 5.60 km

Nearest Places from Meadow Beach and distance

Artiste Point 0.75 km
Conference Bay 0.86 km
La Poterie 1.07 km
Pearls Rock 1.33 km
Conference 1.33 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Grenada

Web tld .gd
Currency Dollar (XCD)
Phone Code 1473

Maps of Meadow Beach

Google Maps
Bing Maps