Kopli Kuela, Estonia

Kopli Kuela (third-order administrative division) is located in Estonia nearby to Kopli, Linnaka Kuela, and Angla. It is also nearby Karja and Linnaka. The latitude of Kopli Kuela is 58.51202, and the longitude is 22.71776 with the GPS coordinates of 58° 30′ 43.27″ N and 22° 43′ 03.93″ E.

Geographic Information of Kopli Kuela

Place Name Kopli Kuela
Place Type Third-Order Administrative Division
Country Estonia
Country Code EE
Continent Europe
Major Language Estonian (et), Russian (ru)
Latitude 58.51202
Longitude 22.71776
DMS Lat 58° 30′ 43.27″ N
DMS Long 22° 43′ 03.93″ E
Elevation (metre) 17 m
Elevation (feet) 56 ft
UTM Easting 600075
UTM Northing 6486996
UTM Zone 34V
Time Zone Europe/Tallinn

Category-wise Nearest Place from Kopli Kuela and distance

Populated Place Kopli 0.52 km
Third-Order Administrative Division Linnaka Kuela 0.46 km
Locality Volupe 7.15 km
Stream Volupe Jogi 7.08 km
Lake Jaervekuela Jaerv 10.04 km
Hotel Grand Rose Spa Hotel 31.68 km

Nearest Places from Kopli Kuela and distance

Kopli 0.52 km
Linnaka Kuela 0.46 km
Angla 1.7 km
Karja 1.25 km
Linnaka 1.19 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Estonia

Web tld .ee
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 372

Maps of Kopli Kuela

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