Tal-Maqjel, Malta

Tal-Maqjel (locality) is located in Malta nearby to Tal-Ghassa, Irdum, and Wied Tal-Maqiel. It is also nearby Tal-Blata and Ta’ Xilep. The latitude of Tal-Maqjel is 36.03111, and the longitude is 14.32667 with the GPS coordinates of 36° 01′ 51.99″ N and 14° 19′ 36.01″ E.

Geographic Information of Tal-Maqjel

Place Name Tal-Maqjel
Place Type Locality
Country Malta
Country Code MT
Continent Europe
Major Language Maltese (mt), English (en-MT)
Latitude 36.03111
Longitude 14.32667
DMS Lat 36° 01′ 51.99″ N
DMS Long 14° 19′ 36.01″ E
Elevation (metre) 38 m
Elevation (feet) 125 ft
UTM Easting 439337
UTM Northing 3987608
UTM Zone 33S
Time Zone Europe/Malta

Category-wise Nearest Place from Tal-Maqjel and distance

Locality Tal-Ghassa 0.14 km
Hotel Comino Hotel 1.55 km
Wadi Wied Tal-Maqiel 0.26 km
Populated Place Qala 1.65 km
Point Iz-Zirka 0.32 km
First-Order Administrative Division Il-Qala 1.15 km
Fort Saint Anthony Redoubt 0.75 km
Cove Hondoq Ir-Rummien Bay 0.56 km

Nearest Places from Tal-Maqjel and distance

Tal-Ghassa 0.14 km
Irdum 0.16 km
Wied Tal-Maqiel 0.26 km
Tal-Blata 0.34 km
Ta’ Xilep 0.28 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Malta

Web tld .mt
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 356

Maps of Tal-Maqjel

Google Maps
Bing Maps