Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur, Brunei

Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur (populated place) is located in Brunei nearby to Sungai Ligi, Bang Pangan, and Kampong Rampaya. It is also nearby Kampong Rampaya and Rambai. The latitude of Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur is 4.61667, and the longitude is 114.6 with the GPS coordinates of 04° 37′ 00.01″ N and 114° 35′ 59.99″ E.

Geographic Information of Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur

Place Name Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur
Place Type Populated Place
Country Brunei
Country Code BN
Continent Asia
Major Language Malay (ms-BN), English (en-BN)
Latitude 4.61667
Longitude 114.6
DMS Lat 04° 37′ 00.01″ N
DMS Long 114° 35′ 59.99″ E
Elevation (metre) 70 m
Elevation (feet) 230 ft
UTM Easting 233723
UTM Northing 510740
UTM Zone 50N
Time Zone Asia/Brunei

Category-wise Nearest Place from Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur and distance

Stream Sungai Ligi 4.14 km
Populated Place Kampong Bang Togor 1.85 km
Hill Bukit Nong Dangar 5.86 km
Hotel Grand City Hotel 38.7 km
Island Pulau Selawat 16.68 km
Second-Order Administrative Division Kiudang 12.4 km

Nearest Places from Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur and distance

Sungai Ligi 4.14 km
Bang Pangan 5.23 km
Kampong Rampaya 5.84 km
Kampong Rampaya 5.84 km
Rambai 6.21 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Brunei

Web tld .bn
Currency Brunei Dollar (BND)
Phone Code 673

Maps of Kampong Bukit Bang Tangur

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