Abarsetar, Andorra

Abarsetar (locality) is located in Andorra nearby to Planell Gran, Riba Escorjada, and Tosa de la Llosada. It is also nearby Cap dels Clots and Clot de les Fonts. The latitude of Abarsetar is 42.55554, and the longitude is 1.64403 with the GPS coordinates of 42° 33′ 19.94″ N and 01° 38′ 38.50″ E.

Geographic Information of Abarsetar

Place Name Abarsetar
Place Type Locality
Country Andorra
Country Code AD
Continent Europe
Major Language Catalan (ca)
Latitude 42.55554
Longitude 1.64403
DMS Lat 42° 33′ 19.94″ N
DMS Long 01° 38′ 38.50″ E
Elevation (metre) 2368 m
Elevation (feet) 7769 ft
UTM Easting 388682
UTM Northing 4712351
UTM Zone 31T
Time Zone Europe/Andorra

Category-wise Nearest Place from Abarsetar and distance

Stream Canal de les Solanelles 0.88 km
Locality Cap dels Clots 0.40 km
Hotel Hotel Llop Gris 2.53 km
Slope Obaga de les Mussoles 0.83 km
Forest Bosc de la Corruga 1.96 km
Upland Planell Gran 0.32 km
Pass Collada del Cap dels Clots 0.52 km
Ravine Clot de les Fonts 0.45 km
Spring Fonts Roges 0.95 km

Nearest Places from Abarsetar and distance

Planell Gran 0.32 km
Riba Escorjada 0.46 km
Tosa de la Llosada 0.49 km
Cap dels Clots 0.40 km
Clot de les Fonts 0.45 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Andorra

Web tld .ad
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 376

Maps of Abarsetar

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