Semliki National Park, Uganda

Semliki National Park (forest) is located in Uganda nearby to Semuliki National Park, Mampongi, and Mabangenyi. It is also nearby Mujuba and Sara. The latitude of Semliki National Park is 0.81667, and the longitude is 30.06667 with the GPS coordinates of 00° 49′ 00.01″ N and 30° 04′ 00.01″ E.

Geographic Information of Semliki National Park

Place Name Semliki National Park
Place Type Forest
Country Uganda
Country Code UG
Continent Africa
Major Language English (en-UG), Ganda (lg), Swahili (macrolanguage) (sw), Arabic (ar)
Latitude 0.81667
Longitude 30.06667
DMS Lat 00° 49′ 00.01″ N
DMS Long 30° 04′ 00.01″ E
Elevation (metre) 714 m
Elevation (feet) 2343 ft
UTM Easting 173483
UTM Northing 90385
UTM Zone 36N
Time Zone Africa/Kampala

Category-wise Nearest Place from Semliki National Park and distance

Populated Place Mabangenyi 1.76 km
Stream Sara 2.54 km
Hill Kasita 11.08 km
Fifth-Order Administrative Division Bubukwanga 5.16 km
Fourth-Order Administrative Division Bubukwanga 5.13 km
School Bundimagwara primary school 3.96 km
Locality Hima 40.18 km

Nearest Places from Semliki National Park and distance

Semuliki National Park 0.73 km
Mampongi 1.67 km
Mabangenyi 1.76 km
Mujuba 2.11 km
Sara 2.54 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Uganda

Web tld .ug
Currency Shilling (UGX)
Phone Code 256

Maps of Semliki National Park

Google Maps
Bing Maps