Chamame, Uruguay

Chamame (locality) is located in Uruguay nearby to Canada Del Sauce, Arroyo Casupa Chico, and Arroyo Espuelitas. It is also nearby Paso Real and Arroyo Chamame. The latitude of Chamame is -33.96755, and the longitude is -55.40283 with the GPS coordinates of 33° 58′ 03.18″ S and 55° 24′ 10.18″ W.

Geographic Information of Chamame

Place Name Chamame
Place Type Locality
Country Uruguay
Country Code UY
Continent South America
Major Language Uruguayan Spanish (es-UY)
Latitude -33.96755
Longitude -55.40283
DMS Lat 33° 58′ 03.18″ S
DMS Long 55° 24′ 10.18″ W
Elevation (metre) 174 m
Elevation (feet) 571 ft
UTM Easting 647558
UTM Northing 6240292
UTM Zone 21H
Time Zone America/Montevideo

Category-wise Nearest Place from Chamame and distance

Stream Arroyo Casupa Chico 5.8 km
Populated Place Polanco De Ibargoyen 13.12 km
Hill Cuchilla Milan 8.34 km
Intermittent Stream Canada Del Sauce 4.61 km
Locality Puntas De Chamame 8.06 km
Ford Paso Real 7.38 km
Triangulation Station Figurita 19.71 km
Hotel Parador Y Hosteria Salus 49.19 km
Railroad Station Estacion Cerro Colorado 16.46 km
Island Islotes Las Toscas 95.38 km
Bridge Paso Gutierrez 21.24 km
Airfield La Calera 35.79 km
Second-Order Administrative Division Casupa 26.05 km

Nearest Places from Chamame and distance

Canada Del Sauce 4.61 km
Arroyo Casupa Chico 5.8 km
Arroyo Espuelitas 5.44 km
Paso Real 7.38 km
Arroyo Chamame 7.37 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Uruguay

Web tld .uy
Currency Uruguayan Peso (UYU)
Phone Code 598

Maps of Chamame

Google Maps
Bing Maps