Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall, Jordan

Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall (street) is located in Jordan nearby to Hayy al Batra’, `Uthman Bin `Affan, and Al Batra’. It is also nearby Hayy Abu Bakr and Mudiriyat Tarbiyat Muhafazat Ma`an. The latitude of Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall is 30.19211, and the longitude is 35.73363 with the GPS coordinates of 30° 11′ 31.59″ N and 35° 44′ 01.06″ E.

Geographic Information of Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall

Place Name Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall
Place Type Street
Country Jordan
Country Code JO
Continent Asia
Major Language Arabic (ar-JO), English (en)
Latitude 30.19211
Longitude 35.73363
DMS Lat 30° 11′ 31.59″ N
DMS Long 35° 44′ 01.06″ E
Elevation (metre) 1111 m
Elevation (feet) 3645 ft
UTM Easting 763192
UTM Northing 3343232
UTM Zone 36R
Time Zone Asia/Amman

Category-wise Nearest Place from Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall and distance

Populated Place At Tahunah 9.96 km
Administrative Facility Mudiriyat Tarbiyat Muhafazat Ma`an 0.28 km
Hill Jabal Samnah 4.74 km
Hotel Petra Guest House Hotel 18.03 km
Mountain Jibal Wuhaydah 15.33 km

Nearest Places from Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall and distance

Hayy al Batra’ 0.04 km
`Uthman Bin `Affan 0.16 km
Al Batra’ 0.25 km
Hayy Abu Bakr 0.26 km
Mudiriyat Tarbiyat Muhafazat Ma`an 0.28 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Jordan

Web tld .jo
Currency Jordanian Dinar (JOD)
Phone Code 962

Maps of Ash Shahid Wasfi at Tall

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