Zemah, Israel

Zemah (railroad station) is located in Israel nearby to Kibbutz Maagan, Ma`agan, and Maagan Holiday Village Kibbutz. It is also nearby Hof Zemah and Kibbutz Country Lodging Shaar Hagolan. The latitude of Zemah is 32.7, and the longitude is 35.6 with the GPS coordinates of 32° 42′ 00.00″ N and 35° 36′ 00.00″ E.

Geographic Information of Zemah

Place Name Zemah
Place Type Railroad Station
Country Israel
Country Code IL
Continent Asia
Major Language Hebrew (he), Arabic (ar-IL), English (en-IL)
Latitude 32.7
Longitude 35.6
DMS Lat 32° 42′ 00.00″ N
DMS Long 35° 36′ 00.00″ E
Elevation (metre) -194 m
Elevation (feet) -636 ft
UTM Easting 743734
UTM Northing 3621018
UTM Zone 36S
Time Zone Asia/Jerusalem

Category-wise Nearest Place from Zemah and distance

Populated Place Ma`agan 0.71 km
Hill Giv`at Gamal 9.18 km
Mountain Har Poriyya 5.93 km
Hotel Kibbutz Maagan 0.66 km

Nearest Places from Zemah and distance

Kibbutz Maagan 0.66 km
Ma`agan 0.71 km
Maagan Holiday Village Kibbutz 0.79 km
Hof Zemah 1.24 km
Kibbutz Country Lodging Shaar Hagolan 1.51 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Israel

Web tld .il
Currency Israeli Shekel (ILS)
Phone Code 972

Maps of Zemah

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