Grara el Mrheissat, Mauritania

Grara el Mrheissat (intermittent pond) is located in Mauritania nearby to Ziret el Malha, Ziret Bakar Chein, and Tichoutoumene. It is also nearby Oued Imoudrane and Imoudrane. The latitude of Grara el Mrheissat is 18.85, and the longitude is -11.01667 with the GPS coordinates of 18° 51′ 00.00″ N and 11° 01′ 00.01″ W.

Geographic Information of Grara el Mrheissat

Place Name Grara el Mrheissat
Place Type Intermittent Pond
Country Mauritania
Country Code MR
Continent Africa
Major Language Arabic (ar-MR), Pulaar (fuc), Soninke (snk), French (fr), Hassaniyya (mey), Wolof (wo)
Latitude 18.85
Longitude -11.01667
DMS Lat 18° 51′ 00.00″ N
DMS Long 11° 01′ 00.01″ W
Elevation (metre) 439 m
Elevation (feet) 1440 ft
UTM Easting 287521
UTM Northing 2085438
UTM Zone 29Q
Time Zone Africa/Nouakchott

Category-wise Nearest Place from Grara el Mrheissat and distance

Populated Place Lekhcheb 71.18 km
Dune Ziret el Malha 6.10 km
Hill El Gleib 24.35 km
Wadi Oued Imoudrane 14.08 km
Well Imoudrane 28.66 km

Nearest Places from Grara el Mrheissat and distance

Ziret el Malha 6.10 km
Ziret Bakar Chein 7.51 km
Tichoutoumene 8.06 km
Oued Imoudrane 14.08 km
Imoudrane 22.31 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Mauritania

Web tld .mr
Currency Mauritanian Ouguiya (MRO)
Phone Code 222

Maps of Grara el Mrheissat

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