Rubilizi, Rwanda

Rubilizi (populated locality) is located in Rwanda nearby to Rutonde, Kibaya, and Kigarama. It is also nearby Ryanyambwira and Rugarama. The latitude of Rubilizi is -2.3484, and the longitude is 30.0511 with the GPS coordinates of 02° 20′ 54.23″ S and 30° 03′ 03.96″ E.

Geographic Information of Rubilizi

Place Name Rubilizi
Place Type Populated Locality
Country Rwanda
Country Code RW
Continent Africa
Major Language Kinyarwanda (rw), English (en-RW), French (fr-RW), Swahili (macrolanguage) (sw)
Latitude -2.3484
Longitude 30.0511
DMS Lat 02° 20′ 54.23″ S
DMS Long 30° 03′ 03.96″ E
Elevation (metre) 1425 m
Elevation (feet) 4675 ft
UTM Easting 171989
UTM Northing 9740083
UTM Zone 36M

Category-wise Nearest Place from Rubilizi and distance

Populated Locality Kigarama 1.60 km
Intermittent Stream Ryanyambwira 1.61 km
Stream Kibaya 1.49 km
4th-Order Administrative Division Rutonde 1.38 km
Populated Place Kindama 4.12 km
3rd-Order Administrative Division Ruhuha 3.41 km

Nearest Places from Rubilizi and distance

Rutonde 1.38 km
Kibaya 1.49 km
Kigarama 1.60 km
Ryanyambwira 1.61 km
Rugarama 1.64 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Rwanda

Web tld .rw
Currency Rwandan Franc (RWF)
Phone Code 250

Maps of Rubilizi

Google Maps
Bing Maps