Oude Willem, Netherlands

Oude Willem (populated place) is located in Netherlands nearby to Dieverveld, Adderveen, and Boswachterij Appelscha. It is also nearby Berkenheuvel and Hoekenbrink. The latitude of Oude Willem is 52.8975, and the longitude is 6.30833 with the GPS coordinates of 52° 53′ 51.00″ N and 06° 18′ 29.98″ E.

Geographic Information of Oude Willem

Place Name Oude Willem
Place Type Populated Place
Country Netherlands
Country Code NL
Continent Europe
Major Language Dutch (nl-NL), Western Frisian (fy-NL)
Latitude 52.8975
Longitude 6.30833
DMS Lat 52° 53′ 51.00″ N
DMS Long 06° 18′ 29.98″ E
Elevation (metre) 8 m
Elevation (feet) 26 ft
UTM Easting 318951
UTM Northing 5864261
UTM Zone 32U
Time Zone Europe/Amsterdam

Category-wise Nearest Place from Oude Willem and distance

Populated Place Wateren 2.63 km
Hotel Hampshire Hotel – Wesseling 8.12 km
Canal Kwasloot 7.04 km
Locality Dieverzand 3.44 km
Windmill De Vlijt 5.08 km
Park Boswachterij Appelscha 2.08 km
Stream Dwingelerstroom 7.28 km
Railroad Station Station Beilen 15.06 km
Bridge Dieverbrug 6.04 km

Nearest Places from Oude Willem and distance

Dieverveld 1.03 km
Adderveen 1.84 km
Boswachterij Appelscha 2.08 km
Berkenheuvel 2.10 km
Hoekenbrink 1.63 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Netherlands

Web tld .nl
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 31

Maps of Oude Willem

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