Ban Houmphan, Laos

Ban Houmphan (populated place) is located in Laos nearby to Nam Peun, Ban Soppeun, and Ban Houaykham. It is also nearby Ban Sophao and Houay Hat. The latitude of Ban Houmphan is 19.96797, and the longitude is 103.87726 with the GPS coordinates of 19¡ 58′ 04.69″ N and 103¡ 52′ 38.13″ E.

Geographic Information of Ban Houmphan

Place Name Ban Houmphan
Place Type Populated Place
Country Laos
Country Code LA
Continent Asia
Major Language Lao (lo), French (fr), English (en)
Latitude 19.96797
Longitude 103.87726
DMS Lat 19¡ 58′ 04.69″ N
DMS Long 103¡ 52′ 38.13″ E
Elevation (metre) 474 m
Elevation (feet) 1555 ft
UTM Easting 382525
UTM Northing 2208329
UTM Zone 48Q
Time Zone Asia/Vientiane

Category-wise Nearest Place from Ban Houmphan and distance

Populated Place Ban Soppeun 1.35 km
Stream Nam Peun 0.30 km
Intermittent Stream Houay Hat 2.01 km
Mountain Phou Phon 2.64 km

Nearest Places from Ban Houmphan and distance

Nam Peun 0.30 km
Ban Soppeun 1.35 km
Ban Houaykham 1.59 km
Ban Sophao 1.65 km
Houay Hat 2.01 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Laos

Web tld .la
Currency Kip (LAK)
Phone Code 856

Maps of Ban Houmphan

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