Coolnaelehy, Ireland

Coolnaelehy (locality) is located in Ireland nearby to Betsborough, Bauravilla, and Ahacrinduff River. It is also nearby Runalunn and Carrig. The latitude of Coolnaelehy is 51.59472, and the longitude is -9.28444 with the GPS coordinates of 51° 35′ 40.99″ N and 09° 17′ 03.98″ W.

Geographic Information of Coolnaelehy

Place Name Coolnaelehy
Place Type Locality
Country Ireland
Country Code IE
Continent Europe
Major Language English (en-IE), Irish (ga-IE)
Latitude 51.59472
Longitude -9.28444
DMS Lat 51° 35′ 40.99″ N
DMS Long 09° 17′ 03.98″ W
Elevation (metre) 18 m
Elevation (feet) 59 ft
UTM Easting 480297
UTM Northing 5716001
UTM Zone 29U
Time Zone Europe/Dublin

Category-wise Nearest Place from Coolnaelehy and distance

Populated Place Bauravilla 1.46 km
Locality Shanavalla 2.00 km
Country House Kilmore House 6.12 km
Lake Lough Abisdedly 7.32 km
Hotel West Cork 4.92 km
Stream Ahacrinduff River 1.74 km
Hill Derrylugga 3.29 km
Mountain Mount Kid 7.54 km
Island Inishbeg 9.33 km

Nearest Places from Coolnaelehy and distance

Betsborough 1.10 km
Bauravilla 1.46 km
Ahacrinduff River 1.74 km
Runalunn 1.53 km
Carrig 1.72 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Ireland

Web tld .ie
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 353

Maps of Coolnaelehy

Google Maps
Bing Maps