Styx, French Southern Territories

Styx (stream) is located in French Southern Territories nearby to Trou du Diable, Rochers de la Fortune, and L’Au-dela. It is also nearby Cap du Gauss and Lac Perdu. The latitude of Styx is -46.46667, and the longitude is 51.78333 with the GPS coordinates of 46° 28′ 00.01″ S and 51° 46′ 59.98″ E.

Geographic Information of Styx

Place Name Styx
Place Type Stream
Country French Southern Territories
Country Code TF
Continent AN
Major Language French (fr)
Latitude -46.46667
Longitude 51.78333
DMS Lat 46° 28′ 00.01″ S
DMS Long 51° 46′ 59.98″ E
Elevation (metre) 3 m
Elevation (feet) 10 ft
UTM Easting 560143
UTM Northing 4853802
UTM Zone 39G
Time Zone Indian/Kerguelen

Category-wise Nearest Place from Styx and distance

Mountain L’Au-dela 2.25 km
Point Pointe du Bougainville 5.85 km
Island Ile de la Possession 7.35 km
Lake Lac Perdu 3.39 km
Cove Crique de Noel 3.84 km
Valley Vallee des Branloires 7.29 km
Glacier Glacier Pascal 1309.47 km
Rock Rochers de la Fortune 1.28 km
Bay Baie du Laperouse 4.93 km
Stream Malpassee 4.25 km

Nearest Places from Styx and distance

Trou du Diable 1.28 km
Rochers de la Fortune 1.28 km
L’Au-dela 2.25 km
Cap du Gauss 1.96 km
Lac Perdu 3.39 km

Related Technological and Economic data of French Southern Territories

Web tld .tf
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 262

Maps of Styx

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