Etang des Pylones, French Southern Territories

Etang des Pylones (pond) is located in French Southern Territories nearby to Pointe des Cormorans, Le Marais, and Liliane. It is also nearby Etang des Beliers and Etang du Magnetisme. The latitude of Etang des Pylones is -49.35, and the longitude is 70.23333 with the GPS coordinates of 49° 21′ 00.00″ S and 70° 13′ 59.98″ E.

Geographic Information of Etang des Pylones

Place Name Etang des Pylones
Place Type Pond
Country French Southern Territories
Country Code TF
Continent AN
Major Language French (fr)
Latitude -49.35
Longitude 70.23333
DMS Lat 49° 21′ 00.00″ S
DMS Long 70° 13′ 59.98″ E
Elevation (metre) 17 m
Elevation (feet) 56 ft
UTM Easting 589574
UTM Northing 4532903
UTM Zone 42F
Time Zone Indian/Kerguelen

Category-wise Nearest Place from Etang des Pylones and distance

Mountain Mont Courbet 13.72 km
Point Pointe des Cormorans 1.26 km
Island Ilot Channer 5.01 km
Lake Lac des Sternes 0.91 km
Cove Anse aux Canards 0.00 km
Valley Le Marais 1.21 km
Glacier Glacier Louis Gentil 53.66 km
Rock Roche Brisee 9.56 km
Bay Baie de l’Aurore Australe 5.61 km
Stream Ruisseau de la Ferme 1.21 km

Nearest Places from Etang des Pylones and distance

Pointe des Cormorans 1.26 km
Le Marais 1.21 km
Liliane 1.21 km
Etang des Beliers 1.43 km
Etang du Magnetisme 1.96 km

Related Technological and Economic data of French Southern Territories

Web tld .tf
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 262

Maps of Etang des Pylones

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