Eperon des Nuees, French Southern Territories

Eperon des Nuees (spur) is located in French Southern Territories nearby to Ravin Coleridge, Le Museau de Tanche, and La Caldeira. It is also nearby La Grande Marche and La Barre des Toubibs. The latitude of Eperon des Nuees is -37.85068, and the longitude is 77.56567 with the GPS coordinates of 37° 51′ 02.44″ S and 77° 33′ 56.41″ E.

Geographic Information of Eperon des Nuees

Place Name Eperon des Nuees
Place Type Spur
Country French Southern Territories
Country Code TF
Continent AN
Major Language French (fr)
Latitude -37.85068
Longitude 77.56567
DMS Lat 37° 51′ 02.44″ S
DMS Long 77° 33′ 56.41″ E
Elevation (metre) 579 m
Elevation (feet) 1900 ft
UTM Easting 725733
UTM Northing 5807649
UTM Zone 43H
Time Zone Indian/Kerguelen

Category-wise Nearest Place from Eperon des Nuees and distance

Mountain Mont de la Dives 1.43 km
Point Pointe du Cabot Bleu 2.36 km
Island Ile Amsterdam 4.72 km
Lake Lac Bleu 1.36 km
Cove Baie des Manchots 95.63 km
Valley Le Marais 1407.33 km
Glacier Glacier Paul Lemoine 1418.08 km
Rock Rochers Eboules 4.73 km
Bay Bassin du Cratere 96.51 km
Stream Riviere des Manchots 1384.63 km

Nearest Places from Eperon des Nuees and distance

Ravin Coleridge 0.64 km
Le Museau de Tanche 1.34 km
La Caldeira 1.17 km
La Grande Marche 1.22 km
La Barre des Toubibs 1.35 km

Related Technological and Economic data of French Southern Territories

Web tld .tf
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 262

Maps of Eperon des Nuees

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