Fonds Fleury, Martinique

Fonds Fleury (populated place) is located in Martinique nearby to Morne Genty, Quamalon, and Mare Ferrant. It is also nearby Bassin Crabiers and Longuet. The latitude of Fonds Fleury is 14.48304, and the longitude is -61.05981 with the GPS coordinates of 14° 28′ 58.94″ N and 61° 03′ 35.31″ W.

Geographic Information of Fonds Fleury

Place Name Fonds Fleury
Place Type Populated Place
Country Martinique
Country Code MQ
Continent North America
Major Language French (fr-MQ)
Latitude 14.48304
Longitude -61.05981
DMS Lat 14° 28′ 58.94″ N
DMS Long 61° 03′ 35.31″ W
Elevation (metre) 183 m
Elevation (feet) 600 ft
UTM Easting 709112
UTM Northing 1602034
UTM Zone 20P
Time Zone America/Martinique

Category-wise Nearest Place from Fonds Fleury and distance

Populated Place Quamalon 0.48 km
Stream Fond Thoraille 4.30 km
Locality Terre Rouge 1.49 km
Hill Morne Bellevue 1.30 km
Point Pointe Davy 2.15 km
Intermittent Stream Ravine Dominique 2.12 km
Mountain Morne Genty 0.47km

Nearest Places from Fonds Fleury and distance

Morne Genty 0.47 km
Quamalon 0.48 km
Mare Ferrant 0.50 km
Bassin Crabiers 0.72 km
Longuet 0.77 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Martinique

Web tld .mq
Currency Euro (EUR)
Phone Code 596

Maps of Fonds Fleury

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