Gamanyar, Somalia

Gamanyar (wadi) is located in Somalia nearby to Illahi Ambos, Raranley, and Hersi Boh. It is also nearby `Gedhunle and Agargaro Mountains. The latitude of Gamanyar is 11.14889, and the longitude is 43.25222 with the GPS coordinates of 11° 08′ 56.00″ N and 43° 15′ 07.99″ E.

Geographic Information of Gamanyar

Place Name Gamanyar
Place Type Wadi
Country Somalia
Country Code SO
Continent Africa
Major Language Somali (so-SO), Arabic (ar-SO), Italian (it), English (en-SO)
Latitude 11.14889
Longitude 43.25222
DMS Lat 11° 08′ 56.00″ N
DMS Long 43° 15′ 07.99″ E
Elevation (metre) 95 m
Elevation (feet) 312 ft
UTM Easting 309134
UTM Northing 1233005
UTM Zone 38P
Time Zone Africa/Mogadishu

Category-wise Nearest Place from Gamanyar and distance

Hill Raranley 4.14 km
Mountain Agargaro Mountains 5.45 km
Populated Place Jaglaleh 9.39 km
Well Hersi Boh 4.74 km
Waterhole `Ahammed Chabel 25.90 km

Nearest Places from Gamanyar and distance

Illahi Ambos 2.69 km
Raranley 4.14 km
Hersi Boh 4.74 km
`Gedhunle 5.43 km
Agargaro Mountains 5.45 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Somalia

Web tld .so
Currency Shilling (SOS)
Phone Code 252

Maps of Gamanyar

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