Montalvao, Sao Tome and Principe

Montalvao (populated place) is located in Sao Tome and Principe nearby to Principe, Santa Rita, and Morro Coniconi. It is also nearby Oca and Ponta Forte. The latitude of Montalvao is 1.66557, and the longitude is 7.41358 with the GPS coordinates of 01° 39′ 56.05″ N and 07° 24′ 48.88″ E.

Geographic Information of Montalvao

Place Name Montalvao
Place Type Populated Place
Country Sao Tome and Principe
Country Code ST
Continent Africa
Major Language Portuguese (pt-ST)
Latitude 1.66557
Longitude 7.41358
DMS Lat 01° 39′ 56.05″ N
DMS Long 07° 24′ 48.88″ E
Elevation (metre) 136 m
Elevation (feet) 446 ft
UTM Easting 323522
UTM Northing 184167
UTM Zone 32N
Time Zone Africa/Sao_Tome

Category-wise Nearest Place from Montalvao and distance

Populated Place Santa Rita 0.93 km
Beach Praia Inhame 2.11 km
Hill Morro Coniconi 1.13 km
Stream Ribeira de Frades 2.70 km
Point Ponta Novo Destino 2.35 km
Mountain Morro Papagaio 6.23 km
Island Ilheu Bombom 3.85 km
Bay Baia de Santo Antonio 2.98 km

Nearest Places from Montalvao and distance

Principe 0.43 km
Santa Rita 0.93 km
Morro Coniconi 1.13 km
Oca 1.15 km
Ponta Forte 1.16 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Sao Tome and Principe

Web tld .st
Currency Dobra (STD)
Phone Code 239

Maps of Montalvao

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