Mahinbah, Saudi Arabia

Mahinbah (populated place) is located in Saudi Arabia nearby to Ash Sha’Lah, Hajar, and Wadi Rima. It is also nearby Wadi Abu Khalifah and Bi’R Sharif. The latitude of Mahinbah is 22.18605, and the longitude is 39.54329 with the GPS coordinates of 22° 11′ 09.78″ N and 39° 32′ 35.84″ E.

Geographic Information of Mahinbah

Place Name Mahinbah
Place Type Populated Place
Country Saudi Arabia
Country Code SA
Continent Asia
Major Language Arabic
Latitude 22.18605
Longitude 39.54329
DMS Lat 22° 11′ 09.78″ N
DMS Long 39° 32′ 35.84″ E
Elevation (metre) 175 m
Elevation (feet) 574 ft
UTM Easting 556006
UTM Northing 2453520
UTM Zone 37Q

Category-wise Nearest Place from Mahinbah and distance

Hill Jabal Al Jadib 12.90 km
Wadi Wadi Rima 2.72 km
Populated Place Ash Sha’Lah 1.88 km
Well Bi’R Sharif 9.25 km
Dune Ghurud Ar Rus 120.46 km
Sabkha Qa` `Idayyan 99.52 km
Mountain Jabal Quba 9.75 km
Depression Qi`An `Isaylah 136.75 km
Locality Mintaqat Hujjaj Al Barr (Northern Area-Foreign Pilgrims) 100.98 km
Hotel Muntaja` Ubhur 63.97 km
Sand Area Al Qa`Ra’ 50.92 km
Waterhole Bahrat Al Mujahid 88.44 km

Nearest Places from Mahinbah and distance

Ash Sha’Lah 1.88 km
Hajar 2.39 km
Wadi Rima 2.72 km
Wadi Abu Khalifah 9.19 km
Bi’R Sharif 9.25 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Saudi Arabia

Web tld .sa
Currency Saudi Riyal
Phone Code 966

Maps of Mahinbah

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