Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih, Saudi Arabia

Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih (hill) is located in Saudi Arabia nearby to Abiar Al Mashi, Bi’R Al Mashi, and Al Wuday. It is also nearby Wadi Ad Duwarah and Jabal Maraqim Al Ghusun. The latitude of Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih is 24.19677, and the longitude is 39.55986 with the GPS coordinates of 24° 11′ 48.37″ N and 39° 33′ 35.49″ E.

Geographic Information of Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih

Place Name Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih
Place Type Hill
Country Saudi Arabia
Country Code SA
Continent Asia
Major Language Arabic
Latitude 24.19677
Longitude 39.55986
DMS Lat 24° 11′ 48.37″ N
DMS Long 39° 33′ 35.49″ E
Elevation (metre) 798 m
Elevation (feet) 2618 ft
UTM Easting 556857
UTM Northing 2676125
UTM Zone 37R

Category-wise Nearest Place from Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih and distance

Hill Jabal Maraqim Al Ghusun 4.75 km
Wadi Wadi Ad Duwarah 4.20 km
Populated Place Abiar Al Mashi 2.44 km
Well Bi’R Al Mashi 12.21 km
Dune Ghurud Ar Rus 342.73 km
Sabkha Qa` As Sa`Adin 41.88 km
Mountain Jabal Al Asmar 15.44 km
Depression Ash Sharqah 83.62 km
Locality Talat Almak 55.03 km
Hotel Meshal Al Salam Hotel 30.00 km
Sand Area Al Habid 194.31 km
Waterhole Thamad 141.64 km

Nearest Places from Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih and distance

Abiar Al Mashi 2.44 km
Bi’R Al Mashi 2.67 km
Al Wuday 3.07 km
Wadi Ad Duwarah 4.2 km
Jabal Maraqim Al Ghusun 4.75 km

Related Technological and Economic data of Saudi Arabia

Web tld .sa
Currency Saudi Riyal
Phone Code 966

Maps of Jabal Umm Riqab Muslih

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